Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ok, here's the story......

I apologize for my total lack of blogging.... we have been under a butt-load of stress, even more so than usual! I know!!!!!

So, here we go. When we moved into this house it was managed by the friend of the owner. we moved in happy to have a "lead free" home, according to the paperwork they had us sign. And enjoyed a warm Christmas in our home. In January the lead department came out and found some lead (not very much) on the outside of the house and said that the owner had to fix this ASAP. At this same time the owner decided that he needed a management company to handle all the work here. So, who does he hire but Portage Management. Now, why is this important? They are the same company that jerked us around before.

So, spring comes and I go to turn on the Central Air because the Tobey Jude can not handle heat (he will get seizures). But, low and behold it doesn't work and now I am hearing all this information from the lead department about how they are getting cussed out from the owner....he got no information from Portage. So, here I am in a house with lead again and no CA for Tobey Jude. At this point I am pissed and decide to not pay the rent until everything is fixed. That makes the owner super mad and also Portage who simply stopped taking our calls. Because I was scared to get evicted I started paying on the rent in payments, even though nothing was getting fixed. Then they said that the payments were not enough...we would pay more nearly bankrupting ourselves, they would add fees and the vicious cycle continued. Finally we came to the conclusion that they are not going to fix a thing and we might as well let them evict us at this point.

So, now we come to this past week. First they said we had to move in 5 days....that is not legal.
Then they came out to and threatened my daughter that she was going to have to leave our home by midnight that night or they would call the cops.....again, not legal.
Then today we noticed a little bit more traffic than usual...they put an ad in the paper that the house is for rent, and they even increased the rent amount.

From what the cops told us we have 30 days after the eviction paperwork has hit the courts. They haven't even done that yet....but we are sitting here in limbo not sure what is going to happen from one day to the next.

We are waiting to hear back from 2 houses tomorrow...we are just praying that one pans out. We tried not to do some knee jerk reaction and just take any place with just any landlord. We have our hopes up for 3 different houses in safe areas and all 3 of the owners are either contractors or maintenance guys. I will let you know as soon as we find out what happens with them.

So, there you have it....thank you to everyone who sent the kind messages and hit "Like" on all of Eddie's elusive posts on facebook! Have a good night my friends.....

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