Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School....

So, the Holstein kids are officially back in school and the schedule is crazy for getting them ready. Here is what a typical morning is at the Holstein's.

6 am I wake up
6:15 I get up the crew
6:20 Dress the youngest three and braid and/or fix 5 girls hair.
6:40 Cry because for some reason they have tangles in their hair even though I brushed it before bed and put it in a ponytail (what the heck do they do while they are sleeping?)
7 Now we are at crunch time! Mad scramble to make sure everyone has what they need so I can shove them the heck out of my house.
7:20 Edwin and Tobey get on the short bus....their driver is named Charley, he is probably 70 and wears hearing aids (said that Edwin is a quiet kid....turn on your hearing aids Charley)
7:25 Send Lena to her bus stop.
7:30 Send Alison to walk nearly a mile to her school.
7:35 Breathe and watch the Today show for 5 whole minutes.
7:40 Walk Emily and Olivia to school with Melody in tow.
8 Deal with walking Melody back home and she hates me for leaving her sissy at THAT place. On this trip back home with youngest I am told that I am mean and Melody loses her ability to stand. So I usually end up throwing her over my shoulder and trying to avoid eye contact with other parents.

So, that is my mornings. Welcome to my life.....

I think Plymouth schools are great but this whole 5 school thing is seriously screwed up. Lena goes to Lincoln Jr High, Alison goes to Riverside, Edwin goes to Webster, Olivia and Emily go to Jefferson and Tobey is at Menominee. We got the paperwork on Melody and she will be attending Washington shortly. Just so you know that leaves only the High school and the Catholic schools that my kids are not in. The whole coming home from school thing is even worse than the mornings because somehow I am going to have to clone myself to get Tobey off the bus while picking up Emily and Olivia....Nice.

Today I am taking CJ's kid to Church with me to help put at a Back To School event and tonight I am going out to dinner and to see a community theater play with a dear friend of mine. I am sooo looking forward to the break and just let Eddie take over the kid thing for a couple of days. Of all weeks Eddie had to work some 12 hour days, I am surprised I made it!

I quit one of my jobs and to be honest I am enjoying just working 1 part-time job. I have to stay busy though or I will lose my mind! I am simply not any good bored. I have some ideas for Precious Stones and I have 6 schools I need to get involved in and of course my Church stuff so I think I will stay busy enough.

I signed the kids up for the Boys and Girls Club. I had no idea how awesome of an organization it is! First off it is a $170 for the year for the 4 oldest kids. Wow! And they do all sorts of fun activities, Edwin is going to do a program on making video games on computer...perfect. And, the kids can stay there until 8 if I wanted (which I don't because we are trying to eat together every night) and they do special things for winter break and they are open on snow days! Holla! I am giddy about this one folks!

Well, I am off to put on makeup for the first time this week and feel like a human again! I hope you have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey...let's schedule some knitting time in when all the kiddos are busy! We can meet in the middle or whatever else you want to do! Miss you already. You are doing a great job!
