Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is not Good Bye South Bend....

So, here is the good news...we found a 6 bedroom house for us to live in! It is in a great area with great schools, it will take our pets and welcomed 7 kids. The landlord fixes things and very personable.

Here is the not so great news, it is in Plymouth. Our lives however is in South Bend, everything from our jobs, my hairstylist, our friends and most importantly our Living Stones. I actually broke down yesterday thinking about what life would be like somewhere else. This is very hard to leave a place that I love. But I have to have that roof over our head, so there you have it.

I do have to say this, I will still have lunch dates with Sarah and I still planning on Kris teaching me how to make Christmas Stockings (that is what I finally chose Kris, so get spinning). I will not leave my duties at Living Stones, and I will still be working here. We will pretty much be using all the money we saved on rent for gas now.

Eddie is going to show me how to get better with the whole picture thing because I really am bad with that stuff, so we will get pictures of the house up asap. I am planning on doing some painting because the kitchen is done in watermelon wallpaper. And it is not that I hate watermelons...but I certainly don't LOVE them enough to see them everyday.

1 comment:

  1. then socks it is...but we better hurry with at least 7 to make! Nice that you are still connected and plan to stay that way and I am so glad that you have found a home you will like!
    You know you all are in my prayers.
    I was walking around my neighborhood looking for perfect places for you....but God is in charge and His plan is the perfect one!
