Wednesday, July 6, 2011


The husband here...Just a quick post to let you all know, Melissa is still alive....however, she is probably going to kill me.
First of all, our modem went out this weekend, so NO facebook, no blogging, no research on the bat boy.
Secondly, my wife does not like to be embarrassed. This past Sunday, I threw her a surprise birthday, with a lot of help from her (our) friends Sarah, Kris, and especially CJ! There were other players as well, Jennae, Ann, Sam(not a lady). All of these women and man are amazing in their own rights, and I thank them from the bottom of my heart...Thank you, ladies and man! You are amazing.
So, the embarrassment. I lead worship at Kids Kanyon that Sunday, so I lead the kids in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday to both Melissa and America. She could have killed me.
Fast forward to the party. She gets surprised by @ 70 friends and family and, of course, get s "Happy Birthday" sung to her...again.
The redness in her face is building.
After the wonderful party, we have plans to go to the Cracker Barrel, where, what does she do? "Excuse me,"she says to the waitress,"today is my birthday!"
The waitress smiles."Well, you get a free piece of cake!"
After the meal, THREE waitresses walk up to the table. At first, we thought, maybe the cake was just really heavy. Oh was time for Happy Birthday.
My wife looks at the one waitress. "You don't have to do this!"
"Yes we do!"
In all seriousness, it was one of the best days of her life, and when our modem gets fixed, I am sure she will thank you all. I thank you all for helping to make the day amazing for an amazing woman.
And to Melissa....I love you. You are 35 years young, and as your husband, the honor and privilege is all mine. Happy Birthday...

O yeah!!! Today is July 6....MELODY SUMMER'S 4Th BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I love you, Mel!!!

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