Monday, July 18, 2011

Hello. Hello

Hey there! I did not drop off the face of the earth! And I am over my little pity party. We had a good weekend but I have GOT to tell you about our friends Aaron and Jenni!!!!

First off, let me say that we needed a break, to just get out of town and forget our worries. We got it in the form of visiting 2 amazing friends of ours Aaron and Jenni (and their beautiful Brianne). They are a Mennonite family that we adore. We probably looked like a weird combo with me and the weird hair colors and my kids with their shorts and all. They had skirts on...Jenni with her hair covered. But we all serve the same God and that is all we need to be friends. So, we arrived to a campfire and she pre-made everything you could ever want for hobo dinners with veggies from her own garden (wow), and then we cooked them over the campfire. Then she set up a water balloon fight for the kids. After that we had homemade ice cream with homemade cookies and strawberry preserves that she had made. Then she had a treasure hunt for the kids with clues and prizes for all of them! Then...(I know, they must have worked forever planning all of this!) we went to her garden and picked fresh veggies to take home. Emily was fascinated by this. and them the kids put on glow sticks and lit sparklers and ran around like crazt until like 10:30 at night. The final thing we did was pray together and they gave a blessing to our family. They ARE a blessing to our family.

Here is the crazy part, we survived the entire evening with no TV and no Coke (we drank tea that Jenni had made from her garden....seriously.) and we lived to tell about it. We left their with such peace in our hearts. Next month they are going to come spend time with us and I think they will be ready to run out of the city!!!! It makes you wonder about the rat race we all live in sometimes.

So, onto other things. Tobey fell asleep at Church yesterday! With no medications or anything! I joked it was because we were partying with the Aaron and be honest the boy was plain wore out and the heat was not helping. He ended up missing his last baseball game because of the insane heat.

Olivia was in her parade for the Enshrinement Festival, she LOVED it! I of course missed it but the kids had a ton of fun.

So, sorry this is not longer but it is time to wake up the boys! Have a great one!

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