Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Here it is Sunday night and the kids are jacked on candy, Eddie and I are full from the best ham ever (Paula Deen all the way people), and feeling so blessed by our life.

We gave the kids their baskets yesterday.....

  1. Lena got a basket with makeup, perfume and one of those sleeping masks.

  2. Alison got a Glee themed basket (we watch the show together).

  3. Edwin got a basket with a nerf gun (that was a mistake...he has done several drive by shootings).

  4. Olivia got a basket full of gardening stuff.

  5. Tobey's basket had a bunch of cars in it.

  6. Emily got a basket with Barbie's and cheer leading stuff.

  7. And last but not least Melody got a Sesame Street basket.

We had a good size group here for dinner, the kids loved the Easter egg hunt! We also had all the kids plant flowers in pots for them to take home. My mac and cheese was a hit. My mother in law could not get over it.

So, now onto another subject....I had some "family" on Eddie's side make some unkind comments about our faith today on Facebook. They put down my faith and my parenting. They are Jewish so I didn't think that inviting them over for a ham infused Easter dinner was a mistake. They obviously felt otherwise. But, they went too far putting down Christianity on one of our biggest holidays.

I am a forgiving person, but I will NEVER back down on my Faith and I will NEVER stop saying that Christ is my King. I am first to admit that I have never raised my arm in Church or danced in the aisle (even though I have come close). But my heart is true towards my King Jesus Christ, and for that I will never apologize for that and I will never deny my love for him...even if that means telling family that I will never talk to them again.

So,if you saw that comment that she wrote I am sorry....And for the record I don't think I know any Nazi sympathizers. I do know several unwed Mothers, they are welcome in my home. And the example that I am setting for my children is that we are to love and not judge.

So, now I am going to settle the kids down and watch a movie with the hubby and probably have some of the kids Easter candy while they are sleeping. Happy Easter my friends!

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