Thursday, June 7, 2012

Jenny McCarthy should be tarred and feathered....

I am not a fan of Jenny McCarthy to say the her cousin Melissa? That woman is AWESOME! But this blog is not about the Amazing Melissa, this is about Jenny.

When the boys were first diagnosed with the 'tism, I looked everywhere for info. At the time there was not many celebrities that had "come out" about having a child with Autism, she was one of the few. I bought her book, I looked at her websites, I read how she had "cured" her son and grasping for straws I prayed for the resources to "cure" mine.

But then I saw it, she blamed vaccines and I knew right then and there not to get my medical advice from Playmates. You see long before the boys were diagnosed I noticed that Edwin had some odd quirks and I did not want  to take a chance with Tobey developing those quirks and I refused to vaccinate him, in fact I grew to distrust anyone in the medical field. Well guess what? Even without being vaccinated Tobey Jude is Autistic!!!! Like really Autistic, non-verbal, high energy, seizure having Autistic!

I am now a huge fan of Dr's, in fact I take the kids Pediatrician's cupcakes (by the way, if you want you Dr to be your best friend treat them and the staff, it goes a long way). And my personal opinion of why we have kids with Autism is that Eddie and I were a horrible genetic match, and I think that there is also an environmental factor to the whole thing. Like I am not real trusting of some of the foods we are slime anyone?

I am so sick of hearing the thousand theories of what caused it, I have three kids with it and I want to know what to do to help them. I know there is no cure, I just want them better. And thanks to the amazing Dr's that we have Tobey making HUGE strides this week alone! He has not only said "Hi Mommy, Hi Daddy" to Eddie and I but the boy watched an entire television show!!! He has never sat down for 5 minutes to watch TV before!

I wrote this huge blog the other day, and to be honest even though it was amazing (if I may say so) I will probably never publish it. It started out talking about how things are so unfair for kids like Tobey. Edwin and Alison are probably going to get to lead a somewhat normal life with help. Tobey however, will not. We are now past that time when things can turn around for him, all we can do now is make the best of it. To give him the best and most fulfilling life we can. To give him every opportunity in life we can, and if we get turned away to find out another way to do it.

On Monday I had to take Edwin to a Psychiatrist, it happened to be in a mental institution. It was eye opening, and I am positive that the people that were in there were not in there because their parents vaccinated them. It is Mental Illness! There is nothing simple about it, it is devastating. Mental illness is unfair, because it takes beautiful children and turns them into those adults that you see and you cross the road to get      away from.

So, if I had an opportunity to talk to Jenny McCarthy (after I asked her for advice on how she dealt with Jim Carrey so a sister out here, Eddie is wearing me down!). I would first explain to her that taking off her clothes is not helping making people aware of Autism, it is only making us aware of implants. I would then ask her to get a medical degree before she starts publishing more books then Temple Grandin has. Last but not least, I would ask her for Melissa's phone number because I think I would totally love to go to lunch with that woman!

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