Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Is this the same kid? And Thank you!!!

I have this amazing little guy in my house, he looks like my Tobey Jude, and he laughs like my Tobey Jude. But this kid is a cereal making, watching TV and talking (yes, talking) Tobey Jude! It is the funnest thing ever! Now, don't get me wrong we are not discussing Socrates over here..but I know what he wants to drink and what show he wants to see. To me that is a miracle! It is also Ritalin...but we are just going to go with miracle.

I have heard horror stories about Ritalin and when they said that we should try it, I was terrified. I didn't want another Zombie (get it LSC?) but his activity level was getting to be to much for us to handle. The great thing is, he is still Tobey...goofy, fun, studly. Just a calmer more focused Tobey. Thank you God and thank you Ritalin! Woo hoo!

I am not going to lie, this has been a couple of the most stressful months ever. We are still not sure what all is going on with Edwin, and because of so many important things going on with him at the same time (Autism, Rheumatic Fever, Arthritis, Heart issues, psychiatric problems) we are not able to even make it to every appointment. Despite my best efforts he has not to the eye Dr yet, even though I have made the appointment 4 times. It's not that it is not important, it 's just that they are sending us everywhere in Indiana to get all the other issues taken care of.

Besides the boys we have have 5 girls who have been patient but are getting a little fed up with being put on the back burner...and I don't blame them. I would be a little upset if I were them. So, this weekend I am going to make a pointed effort of not talking about Dr's and just have some fun with them (that will have to start on Saturday, we have 5 appointments on Friday...whoops).

We have had a lot of people asking us how we are handling everything that has been going on. I even had some one make a comment to me that they were surprised we are still Christians with everything God has done. My answer is, we could not have done this without God and our Church. I don't know how you could get through bad times without God and Faith. I think it would just crush you.... I can also tell you that I did more praying in that mental institution than I did last Sunday at Church! I think I prayed more than a Nun in that place, it worked we made it out alive! I used to think I would like to work in a place like that, I have changed my mind. That was emotionally draining, I was starting to wonder about my own mental health (right now you are saying, "She is just NOW wondering?).

We would also like to thank everyone for the prayers, meals, cards, gift cards and financial assistance that helped out more than you could ever know! We could not have gotten through this without you...and because of you, we have great faith that this will all be a distant memory while we are watching Edwin play sports again and rocking it out on the guitar! We love you all....

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