Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Holidays and Random Thoughts by Melissa

Hi, the Holiday season is among us and folks settle in because this will be a long blog.....Last night we put up our Christmas Tree. We decided to do a real tree because the fake ones have LEAD!!!! Why do they continue to make things with lead? Going on, Kroger had all there trees for $35.00 no matter the size so we got the biggest one they had. Eddie did not know how to use the deluxe stand, we had needles everywhere and the kids are nearing bedtime. I am still keeping my composure until I saw that every single ornament needed a freaking hook. I don't know how many ornaments that I hooked but it was enough for a 10 foot tree. The kids who all wanted to help decorate the tree were not very patient. But we finally got the silly thing done, and then realized that the tree is very crooked. I sent the kids to bed without having them perform my fantasy of singing around the tree Charlie Brown style and breathed a sigh of relief that we had no injuries. Then this morning I looked at the tree and noticed no lights, garland or ornaments on the bottom half of the tree. It was then I remembered that we have a very active kitten. So, we will decorate the tree yet again tonight. Maybe we will do the Charlie Brown thing.

The washer passed away last week after a short illness. Eddie did his best to bring her back, even though I told him it had a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate order). So, I am at work trying to catch up the laundry. Goodbye washer and your crazy ways.....

We have noticed as Tobey is getting older (he will be 7 next month) and bigger that his Autism quirks are more noticeable. Let me see if I can explain this right.... It is normal to see a 2 year old in a diaper amazed by a car and then throw a HUGE tantrum. It is NOT normal for a 6 year old to do that. It is normal for a 2 year old to not talk to the cashier, it is not normal for a 6 year old to not have a conversation. I have got Tobey programmed to say "Hi", when I prompt him to get us through for the quick little conversations. But that is all I got. I can't make him tell people what he wants for Christmas or how old he is. And I used to be able to pass him off as shy, especially when he made no eye contact. But when you have this adorable kid who looks right at you smiling and spinning the tires on his ever present matchbox can't just say he's shy.

Another side note on Tobey Jude, his Aide at school said he looks like a young David Cassidy. He does actually, the scary thing is she thought I was old enough to have been a fan of David Cassidy....funny. Even though I am a fan of the Beatles so, maybe I shouldn't be offended. Going on.....

We had a great Thanksgiving, my dear friend CJ and her girls Mary Mae and Christine came over for dinner, we had so much fun. Of course, I made way too much food. But I think it may have been the best Thanksgiving we have ever had.

Lena and her boyfriend went out on a date last weekend. They went to see the Muppets. I really like this kid, he is the same boyfriend that she has had for a year. I used to think he was quiet, I was wrong he fits right in. I know I have mentioned it before but he loves the Beatles and cats. She has chosen well.

Last night I made out Christmas cards and came to the conclusion that the big box I got is not near enough for how many friends we have. We are beyond blessed to have so many friends that I need to get another box of cards today. I could have worse problems....

I am almost done shopping for the kids and Eddie. We have cut out all extended family exchanges this year. I think they were relieved when we told them. I know that 7 kids is a lot to buy for. It is also a huge weight off my shoulders and I am so enjoying just shopping for the kids. Their lists though are getting more extensive....Lena wants an Ipad which will never happen, Alison wants a stereo, Edwin wants the Operation board game, Olivia has changed her mind daily, Tobey I am assuming wants cars, Emily wants a Barbie house and Melody wants a baby. So besides Lena's request very easy this year. In our house we have a few traditions on Christmas Eve the kids get their pajamas from Bernie the head Elf. And then Mrs. Claus brings the kids underwear and socks, Please don't tell Lena that you heard that here. She will be mortified!

Well, I think that is all today...see you all on the flip side. What the heck does that even mean?Anyway....

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