Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bring it!!!!!!

This weekend may quite possibly be one of the busiest holiday weekends ever. On Friday, after the marathon drop off of 5 kids at 4 schools, I have grocery shopping which is becoming an Olympic event in 2014 (for my size of family, it should be), and then a trip to the pharmacy for Tobey's bizillion meds and then about 10 errands. After that I pick up Melody and get some Christmas shopping done for my side of the family which I thought we weren't exchanging with. Pick up Edwin from school and take them to work so I can make treat bags for Precious Stones and wrap gifts. Then, I will head home to clean the house. Saturday I have a meeting for work, rush back to Plymouth to pick up the kids (Eddie is working overtime to help out with Christmas shopping) And head back to South Bend for Precious Stones party set up. Eddie will then meet us there during the party and take the little ones home to set up for my sides party. I will clean up at the Church and then pick up chicken ( I am NOT cooking) and cupcakes and have merry festivities. At 9 that night I will collapse from exhaustion and self medicate with a Coke and chocolate. And then Sunday? I can't even think that far ahead at the point! The crazy thing is though, I like being this busy! Isn't that the most insane thing you have ever heard? Maybe that is why I have 7 kids....

Yesterday we had a very rough day with Tobey Jude. He was hurting me and himself again. And it took everything in my power to control the boy. And don't you know it....that was the exact time that all the other kids needed my undivided attention for things like homework, zippers and requests for ice cream. I tried not to yell, but honestly Tobey is hitting me in the face, I can not dish you out ice cream and put sprinkles on it....sorry. On the bright side Tobey has attended school for 3 days in a row and even got to go on a field trip, which he had a blast!

Also yesterday was the anniversary of the day Eddie proposed to me. 16 years ago....I am feeling old. Anyway to celebrate we watched a gruesome show I can not get enough of and watched Tobey was nice. After what I went through with him, I was so thankful top watch him sleep.

I think that is all I have for you today, I am off to make a bunch of lists for this weekend! Have a great one!

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