Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The parties and Edwin.......

Wow, the big day is almost here! Can you believe it? The kids are counting down the days, and ready to open the gifts. Me? I am counting down the days I have to get everything done....ahhh, the life of a parent.

We had a busy weekend as I blogged about earlier...but with 7 kids things don't go as planned. I woke up on Saturday morning and the Tobey Jude's ear took a turn for the worse. So that important meeting I was supposed to go to did not happen. Come to find out the little dude had a staph infection in his ear, nasty stuff. He is however feeling much better now and has made several requests for pop-tarts. He also sang a song with me today, so I am not as concerned about his hearing as I was. We go to the Doctor again on Friday to find out what to do next.

I was abls to have the Precious Stones party on Saturday, it went really well. We had 2 new families and there is a picture of Melody looking at Santa that will melt your heart on my Facebook page. We did a much more low key event and it went over very well.

After that party I rushed back to Plymouth and picked up chicken for my sides party. We had about 15 minutes to set up, light candles and give the kids those all important talks. If you are a parent you know what I am talking about....Don't ask Grandpa why he is not married to Grandma, the list goes on and on. The highlights of the party was Edwin doing the prayer. I asked everyone not to snicker when he did it (that is very hard) and they did well. The prayer went something like this....

Mother loving (I am freaking out a little here and thinking this may have not been my best idea)
We are gathered here to talk about how Jesus died (not really Edwin....go on)
Love has been spoken (Building 429 quote)
Don't let Santa die (that is a given, but ok)
Thank you for the chickens (Yes, Martin's make a great fried chicken dinner)
Blessed Father (we are nearing the end....)
Amen (whew, the boy did it and I was the one who could not keep a straight face)

Edwin has been full of quotes lately....I told this one last night at a dinner so if you were there, sorry about the repeat...

Edwin upon seeing the snow "Wow, look at all the snowman blood!"

There is nothing boring about raising that boy. He cut his hair last Sunday because he said that wanted to be a new son for us. I am pretty much in love with the one he already is. His brain simply amazes me.

I think that is all I have for today......

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