Friday, May 6, 2011

Sorry for the delay....

So,I haven't been on for a while, I apologize. Life is always busy for us so I will not use that as an excuse. We have been going through a lot of changes and they are catching up with us.

Eddie's job is going well even though some of the computer stuff is a challenge for him. It is super weird having him home for dinner every night and having to share the bed and the TV all the time. I am enjoying him doing more things for the kids and making dinner 4 or 5 times a week. He will get his business cards and company paid cell phone next week probably....he is going to be one of those fancy guys now. Eddie with a briefcase? Scary thought.

Lena found her self a new man already...his name? Jeremy. I haven't met him yet. But from what I have heard about him is going to lead to some family issues with the outside family. So, I think we will see if he is around at the holidays and jump that bridge when we come to it.

Alison, Edwin and Tobey were supposed to have their first softball game last Wednesday. We did not make it....lack organization on the parents part, lack of work ethic on the children's. We will try again next week.

Tobey is doing better...I am almost scared to put that in print. It seems like he can change minute to minute. We are going to register for the Autism walk this week. It is in October. I am thinking about getting shirts made with their pictures on the front and then "different,not less" at the bottom. And then on the back put " We are walking for them, Edwin and Tobey Jude". I am getting excited about them.

My job, oh my job. We had meetings coming out of the wazoo! Meetings with the state, parents, IPMG, staff and of course my bosses. On top of that I had to make reports telling in detail about every Dr. appointment, goal and possible health problems on the 2 guys I took care of. I was ready to lose my mind, they took me 8 hours!

So, guess what? I got my new car! Ok,it is a 1999. But to me, she is awesome. Here are some of the luxury features. The doors open from the inside, it has brake lights, and you don't have to do a dance to get it out of gear. She is a silver Blazer! I feel like a millionaire driving this baby around. The best thing about her? She is not the size of peoples homes and she gets 16 miles to the gallon! Twice the gas mileage of our last 2 cars! I was one of those dorks who got those stick figure decals to put on the back that show how many people are in your family, we look like the Duggar's. I had to buy 2 packs! The Duggars would need like 5 packs of those things! Going on, her name is "Phantom". And she is the first vehicle I have had of my own since I have been married. I am giddy with excitement. The first place I took her was the grocery store, I am such a wild woman!

And here is a word of advice if you want to keep your sanity. Here is a list of things that you should not do if you have 7 kids with 2 dealing with Autism in a 1 month period.

  1. Buy a new car, Edwin said that is smells weird. Weird smelling means no rotting McDonald's food.

  2. Start 2 promotions with the parents within 4 weeks. We are tired!

  3. Change up your kids meds....not a great combo.

  4. Switch to new sitters, the kids are doing ok. The sitters are barely hanging on!

  5. Try and fit a months worth of meetings into a week.

  6. Try and rush around to your kids first game and load up in the car only to realize your husband has no idea where the gloves are. And then you miss the game!

  7. Putting your oldest on a "lifestyle change",not diet,a change....I love the kid but now I have to watch my soda intake, not fun. We are also having to watch her eating like a hawk and portion out her food. All the while making sure her self esteem is not trashed!

  8. Be on constant baby fish watch...the Mickey Mouse fish decided to breed and now we have to keep a constant look out for the babies before they get eaten. About the one else I know has their fish breeding all the time. I don't know if they breed with us because they feel like they need to fit in to our family or what? But they need to stop it because my tank is already at capacity and I don't think we can get the male fish a vasectomy. I am going to start giving them away as door prizes at Precious Stones events!

So, that is all for today and now my husband can stop bugging me about not writing the blog. Granted his hast entry on his blog was in March...I hope you all have a great day and if you want some fish let me know.

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