Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bring it.....

Well, here we are at only Wednesday and I am ready for the weekend...don't know why really, I work the whole freaking weekend!

First off here is the update on Tobey Jude...his teacher has won the battle! He will officially get his haircut on Monday at 4:30. She fought the battle well, and I have learned to accept defeat. She has sent home pictures of John Lennon with short hair, sent home notes attached to Tobey that say "haircut, please", every phone call ends with "when is he getting his haircut?". But this week, she went above and beyond and found us a hairstylist who will work with him, got us a discount and is actually going with us on Monday. She asked what kind of cut he was getting...I said "Mohawk" she called me naughty! For the record though it will NOT be a crew cut!

We also found out that Tobey Jude has pretty bad seasonal allergies, which is causing the meltdowns and then seizures, he starts the meds in the morning. So, here is a list of Tobey Jude's issues that we now have to deal with and that precious boy has to endure.

  1. lead poisoning, still at a bad level despite our best efforts.

  2. non-verbal

  3. seizures

  4. elopement (takes off with no regard what so ever to safety)

  5. allergies

  6. ADHD

  7. self-injury

  8. cannot control his body temperature (doesn't sweat)

  9. oh, yeah he also has Autism!

So, here I am in amazement that this little 34 pound boy is the happiest child I have ever met and he AMAZES me daily! And since I listed 9 things that are "wrong" with my beautiful boy (Beatles reference, for you guys) I will now list 9 great things about my Tobey.

  1. He wakes up in a great mood and loves to cuddle for 5 minutes with me every morning.

  2. If I say "I love....", he will say Tobey in the cutest voice ever!

  3. He can find a fan in any room.

  4. He is a total goof ball.

  5. I have never had to tell him to be quiet (laugh here)!

  6. He would do anything for a matchbox car.

  7. He is just about the cutest little guy I know.

  8. He loves to be tickled, and he will say it!

  9. He has brought me more joy and clarity to my life that I can put in words.

So, onto other things....Mother's Day 2011was the best. I only expected a card because we got my SUV. But after visiting both sides of parents and also the cemetery I came home to the nicest surprise on Saturday. On my back door there was roses and then I walked into the house and closed the door to find a gift bag and in it was a Beatles CD (Woo Hoo!) and 2 cards. One from Eddie and one from the kids and everyone from Tobey up had signed it. And then as I got in the fridge to get Eddie his requested Coke, there was another bag and in it was....homemade chocolate covered strawberries (yes ladies, that is my man for you) cupcakes, cheesecake and candy bars! Total chocolate overload....I then got the night off from everything and a back massage! Great Mother's Day but now I have to figure out what the heck to do for Fathers Day! I have a lot to live up to now. Oh, yeah did I forget to mention that there was a Cody Lundin marathon that night? Yep, I was a happy mama!

Well, I have got to get the troops settled down and clean up the kitchen from dinner, the honeymoon is over, back to being the tired was great while it lasted! Have a great one!

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