Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I haven't blogged in a while, it is not that I haven't had something to say...sometimes we just have rough weeks and we have had several of those lately.

Edwin is doing better, the little dude has been through so much! I have started calling him Amazing instead of Edwin now, because he is. He complains a little about going to the Dr, but he goes. He cries when he gets shots and when they are seeing how far he can flex, but he puts up with them...and all I can do is hold his hand. I am so thankful for all the Dr's we have dealt with, ok maybe not all of them. His Cardiologist could be a little nicer, and we may just switch him over to one at Riley, they are great there!

My back going out happened at the wrong time, things still have to be done. So I take the fun pills, suck it up and get through the day.

Tomorrow is the kids last day of School, I can't believe the year is over. The Schools are so impressive here, and I can honestly say that I haven't had one day of worry about their safety and they have also not caused us any undue stress, which I appreciate soooo much. Considering that the kids were in 6 schools, and it seems like every school had 5,000 activities...we LOVED it and had a very enjoyable year!

Miss Emily is home sick today, poor baby! She has a temp and a dry cough but she will be in the pediatrician's office today. Our nephew had Strep and they were all at a cookout on Sunday. I though we had dodged a bullet when I called our poor Doc's on Labor Day worried about Edwin being exposed to it, and then she gets sick. I am taking no chances with Strep! I am praying that I am overreacting over a summer cold!

I think that is all I can do today with the sickie here! Have a great day!

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