Thursday, March 15, 2012

Well, Hello again CVS.....

The kids and hubby have been sick!!!! Holy Cow! So far we have Alison, Emily, Melody, Tobey and Olivia come down with Strep, not fun!I have been to CVS 3 times in 2 days, we have even gotten to the point where we can just call the Dr. to tell them we need need to come in now.

Besides that we have had therapies and eye Dr. appointments coming out the wazoo! Melody had her first speech therapy today and she did great. She just likes having things to do. I don't think that it will be a long term therapy for her...she does pretty well with speech. OT may be another story.

Lena and Olivia had their eyes checked yesterday and Lena is getting new glasses, they are so cool I want a pair! The last time we took her she was not honest with the Dr (because he was hot, really hot) so this time I made sure the Dr. didn't look like he came out of GQ magazine. And she had a good exam this time!

Eddie had to go an entire day without talking, I thought he was going to die! But, today he is making up for it. Needless to say I have not minded all the errand running by myself today (just kidding dear).

Speaking of Eddie...the big guy and I have started therapy. Now don't get the idea that we are ready to kill each other or on the brink of divorce...that is NOT the case. But we feel that with the divorce rate being 80% for parents of special needs and then the fact that we hit the Autism jackpot (ding, ding, ding) we are on borrowed time (haha). So we felt like we should be pro-active and get a little tune up. Well, within 5 minutes of the therapy I found out something about Eddie. The dude didn't talk until he was 3! For one, he does not ever stop talking now....for two, how is this the first time that I have ever heard this? I was shocked....but now I know where the Autism came from....EDDIE!!!

Another thing I found out is that I need to find a new identity, mom of 7 and queen of Autistic children is not enough....that is hard! We were supposed to fill out our hobbies and well, I don't have any! So, now I am off to find a new identity.... I will get right on that after the kids are raised and Autism has been cured. Or, maybe I will try and read a book or something that is not about cooking or special needs. Brick by brick my citizens, brick by brick.

Tonight Lena is having an ice cream soc ail for her School of Inquiry and Olivia has her Spring Program....thank God they are in the same school or I would not be able to attend both of them. Olivia has 3 lines to say, she is very nervous! Emily saw the dress rehearsal and said Olivia was a star, so I am sure she will do great! Lena came home from school wearing her School of Inquiry shirt and on the back it said 2016! I am not sure how to feel about that, you mean she is going to graduate and leave the house? That doesn't seem fair, I mean that should be around the same time that we are over this crappy teenager, I know it all phase!

Well, I think that is all for today....have a good one!!!!


  1. Of course, the 3 times you're in CVS, I'm not working :( Hope everyone starts feeling better soon!! Thinking of you guys! By the way, how is Edwin doing??

  2. I know, right? Edwin is still having some issues, but he is evening (is that a word?) out some. The weekends seem to be the worst with all the schedule changes, just have to keep the boy busy. He has a psychaitrist appointment coming up, hopefully we can get him some more help then.
