Monday, March 19, 2012

Lena is turning 15? What?!?!?!?

That doesn't even look right? I mean really, how the heck does that happen? Them growing right in front of your eyes. But she is so I suppose I have to throw her some kind of celebration....

She actually decided that she doesn't want a party, even though we are having a little one on Saturday night complete with The Muppets Movie and some cupcakes and popcorn. But she wants to got to Chicago for the day and go as a family to the Museum of Science and Industry and downtown for dinner. We are taking her in 2 weeks because there is a robot exhibit coming, and she has a thing for robots....she can be a nerd like that. Her Dad likes Star Wars, I blame him!!!

Eddie is also taking her out to a nice restaurant for a commitment dinner. If you don't know what that is, Eddie will talk to her about how a man should treat a woman, and how in our faith she needs to commit herself to being pure until marriage. And then Eddie will giver her a ring so she will never forget the commitment she has made to God. I apologize now for sounding like the Duggars, 'cause you know that sounds exactly like something they would do....

The house is officially Strep free, holy cow that simply sucked! Everyone is still on antibiotics, but not feeling like crud anymore...Score! That was honestly the first time that we had that many sick at the same in the world do the Duggars handle that? I have not seen that episode yet!

Ok, so here is an update on Edwin.... He is doing pretty good on the new prescription, and the aggression has come down some. He has been threatening, but nothing that we haven't been able to talk him out of lately. We check his room pretty often to make sure that he isn't making anything odd in there or hiding anything. One thing we have noticed that is new to him is he is being more vocal about complaining, which is good. I think one problem that he has is he doesn't have the right words at times to express his feelings. Like if he got mad at you, he would say he wants to kill you, when you would tell him that is not appropriate he would escalate to a point of no return and then become that kid we didn't know. Now that he is medically calmed down, and receiving therapy he can say appropriate words...and keep him from going postal on us. Last week he complained to me about having to go to therapy and while he still had to go and was unhappy about it....he dealt with it.

Alison was on the front page of the paper Saturday! Her school is one of the top 4 schools out of 2,000 in Indiana and was called "A School to watch". She was one of the kids holding the banner and they even put her name in it! She was giddy with excitement!

Melody did the cutest thing yesterday....At Church she got mad at me because I made her stand on a lily pad (ok, it's a green circle....) and she crossed her arms looked at the floor and refused to sing. But, then I looked at her legs and they were wanting to dance! So, she tried to hold her legs to keep them from moving....didn't work! Then she turned around to me and very angrily said that her legs want to dance, but she didn't want them too! How cute is that?

Well, it is time for me to go and pick up the Tiny Dancer from Preschool, have a good one!

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