Friday, March 2, 2012

Getting back to "normal" and Dr. Seuss' Birthday.....

Last night was tough, I would like to say that I handled things with maturity and grace.....but, I ate KFC's mashed potatoes and chocolate, watched tv and took a sleeping pill. The hubby seized the opportunity to order pizza, again. And I didn't put up a fight.

I took Edwin and Melody out to eat at Bob Evan's after his appointment and 2 people came up to us and could not get over how well behaved my kids were, and then when Edwin said his prayer ( at top volume), I saw a lady tear up a little. How can this be the same boy that tries to hurt us? How is this the kid who gets so angry that I don't recognize him? Mental illness makes no sense, and there are times I hate it. But even now, if that is the only way I can have those boys...I will take them.

He started his new meds last night and we had a conversation with his teacher about what to watch for. We asked about a girl that Edwin has talked to named Olive, and he claims he wants to marry. The teacher informed up that Olive is in her 20's and works in the cafeteria, Lord only knows how many Valentines she received from the boy!

So, onto other things because beleive it or not the other 6 kids insist on still having a life....Emily has had to do things everyday this week for Dr. Seuss's Birthday. She had to have mis-matched socks one day, another day she made a top hat, etc. So tonight we are having cupcakes to celebrate the day of his birth (I have never celebrated Christopher Columbus, but we are doing this?) and watching The Cat In The Hat. I am sure Emily is going to want more of a party atmosphere, but this is all she is getting.

We got a note from Tobey's teacher and she is noticing him getting tearful a lot lately and a regression in speech. So, we are going to make sure that this isn't just a weather change thing and then make another appointment for the boy....and continue to wait on the list for speech therapy.

Melody has become obsessed with Adele lately, her favorite song is Someone Like You. She belts that song out with her whole soul, cutest thing ever.

I will blog tomorrow and give more info on the Edwin! Talk at you later!

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