Thursday, February 9, 2012

Edwin's Amazing Mind and Valentine's Day!

I am simply in awe of what Edwin's mind can do. It seems like lately his mind seems to be developing into this super genius level. As you know his favorite band is Building 429, and he listens to them for about a half an hour a day. The other day in his journal I noticed that he was writing down all the lyrics for every song on the CD in order and word for word. He has also been able to recall dates and where he where he was (in detail) the first time he heard or saw something. It has got to be one of the coolest things about Autism that I have ever seen. A little like Rainman? Yes, but super cool. There are times that I see him doing things, and I feel honored to even know a kid like him...let alone be his mother.

We are celebrating Valentines Day with the kids tomorrow morning. They don't have school so Eddie and I thought we would make them breakfast with heart shaped sausage and toast and muffins decorated with hearts. We got each of the kids treat bags and a stuffed animal. I think they will be surprised. When they are done eating we have to work on Valentines for school, and Lord help me, 6 of the kids have to make them this year! I know there will be a lot of tears involved but I am pretty sure the kids will have fun making cards for their friends. I bought a box for Tobey and Edwin to share because well.... Edwin is the only one in his class. He wants to give one to his best friend Sam and then to a couple of girls.

I know this is a lot on Edwin today but here is a conversation that I had with him yesterday.

Me- Hey buddy, how many Valentines are you going to need?
Edwin- (In monotone voice) Oh, I will need one for Sam and some for the girls.
Me- How many girls are we talking about here?
Edwin- There are just so many Mother.

How cute is that? I do know that Edwin is quite the ladies man at school and a lot of girls like to help him out and sit with him. I am scared for the teenage years!

I don't know what Eddie and I are doing for Valentines yet... We both have to work on Tuesday, so maybe we will have a movie night at home Saturday night. Unless you have any plans Eddie...just saying. You know, wife of almost 16 years, mother to your 7 kids who makes your meals and makes your life wonderful. No pressure.

I think that Eddie and I have become old. We have been trying to watch Courageous for 3 nights, and we can't seem to stay up to watch it. I am behind on Shameless, Dance Moms and Once Upon a Time. All because as soon as 9 pm is here, I just want to go to sleep!

Oh my goodness, I almost forgot to tell you. We took the kids to Chicago last Saturday and had a blast! It was so last minute I didn't even pack a bag. Every now and then you just have to get out of your element and break up the schedule. First we went to Navy Pier, which was not crowded at all being winter and all. So, it was perfect for the boys. We took the kids on a virtual ride there and then we took them in a maze/fun house that gave a tour of Chicago. They loved that! Tobey Jude like the spinning room so much I was about ready to throw up waiting on him. We then took the kids to downtown Chicago and ate at the Rainforest Cafe. The food was pretty good, and the kids could not stop looking at everything. Next time we go, I will plan it out a little better. But I am so glad that we did it! Just to have time with the kids and not dealing with the daily stress of life was so needed.

Eddie, by the way did pretty good driving in Chicago. We got very turned around at one point and had to pay the same tolls a few times. It got to a point that we had to ask the toll lady for help. I was so in hopes that we were going to see her when we finally left Chicago, because Eddie and I were going to act like we were diving around in circles paying tolls for 4 hours. But, she had left. That seriously would have been funny. I was going to act like I was crying and just wanting to go home. Eddie was going to try and look all stressed out. Maybe next time.

I think that is all for today, have a good day! I will have a better one when the Coke that I left in the car overnight defrosts.

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