Friday, November 4, 2011

Hey Y'all!!!!

Hey stranger, how is it going?
Me? I am so freaking happy that Halloween is over it is not even funny! This year, I went to 3 Fall parties at schools, went to a pumpkin drop at Olivia's school, made like a thousand cookies, took all the kids to a real haunted school, went to retail trick or treating, Newton Park trick or treating, and then regular trick or treating, we also threw a Precious Stones party and had Alison's birthday. We went to a pumpkin patch and handed out over 900 pieces of candy. I am done!

Today, I went with Melody's preschool to go and see the Plymouth High school production of The Little Mermaid, it was excellent. Melody got the biggest kick out of her teacher riding in our car with us.

Tobey Jude has been a sick little dude lately, he has this cough and a fever that comes and goes. He did however, in his fevered state call me "Mom" for the first time, which was the best! Remember the first time you heard your kids call you that and multiply that number times a thousand. Best feeling ever, totally worth the nearly 6 year wait.

We are staring a thankful patch tomorrow in our living room and the kids have to write down everyday what they are thankful for, I think the little ones will love it. But I do believe that I can actually "hear" Lena's eyes rolling as I am typing this.

Emily is becoming such a kid now, yesterday she could not walk in the house after school and laid in the yard proclaiming she was a dead apple. I have no idea what that even means, but I do know I had to carry her up to bed last night, you know because she is a dead apple and all.

I forgot to mention during all the 6,000 fall festivities I had parent teacher conferences. We found out that are kids are actually smart! Lena got Honor Roll and 1 of the classes she got an A+! And no, it wasn't gym, it was a robotics class. Alison didn't get anything below a C-, which is impressive for Alison. I am pretty sure Edwin got Honor Roll, and Olivia is reading past a 5th grade level...she is in 3rd. And Miss Emily, holy cow! I am just simply not going to worry about retirement now, the kid is a genius! For, a kid who did not go to Preschool, she is doing amazing. Now, Tobey doesn't really have grades....they more or less just give us a report on how he is doing with his skills. He is doing pretty good writing his first name and he is actually sitting down in class. So, in my mind he is honor roll in the special needs sector....just saying.

Eddie had his interview for College, it went well. I still can't believe what great opportunity he has been given with this, we are so blessed. So, I am going to brag on the dude for a minute...bear with me. Eddie has got this really great talent for writing, and he has been writing sketches for Church lately. And they have all been great, but he has a really big writing project coming up and as soon as I get the green light from him I will give you the info on it.

Well, I think I am done for the day. I hope you have a great one and if you still have your Halloween decorations up I will egg you! Ok, not eggs because they have gotten very expensive lately, and we can go through at least 2 dozen a week. So, if I see scary decor in front of your home, I will TP your house. So, there is your warning. Bring on the turkey!

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