Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sometimes it really does take a village...

I remember several years back when I heard Hillary Clinton taking about that very topic, I think she had a book or something about it....she may have even won a Grammy for it. And not to get too far off the subject, but if she did win said Grammy for hard is it really to win a Grammy. I know that Justin Beiber has way too many..... Okay, back to my blog on Hillary Clinton....ahhh, villages raising children that's it!!!!!

I started working at a new job last Thursday...I had about one day to actually prepare to go to work at a full time job. Now don't get me wrong I am not complaining, I need the job. But getting seven kids prepared to take on new responsibilities, making bulletin board charts on bus times (for 5 schools, mind you) rescheduling Dr. appointments, therapies and then trying not to kill my children, it was a rough 24 hours.

The hardest thing however was to find a place that will watch the Tobey Jude, and man I got to be picky, the last after school program lost him twice, and I am a little leery of these places now. So let me try and put you  in my shoes. Tobey is not an easy child. Now he is the cutest little dude I have ever laid my eyes on. But the fact that he could be hurt and have no way to let me know, and then I have to trust a virtual stranger with this precious boy and all his Autistic beauty, is harder than I can ever put in words. And once you find this person in Plymouth Indiana (not easy) they have to be willing to take him on. They have to feel comfortable and have the capabilities of taking care of him They are going to have to be willing to change him, medicate him and keep him safe. Just keeping Tobey safe is such a huge job....he knows of no danger. And while taking care of Tobey they have to also take care of other kids , not easy. There are days that I have no idea how the rest of our kids made it through the day with no injuries, with the days that boy has.

Well, the day that I got the phone call with my new job....God was with us. Because not only did we find a place for Tobey, but Emily and Melody are going with him. And that miraculous place that I am entrusting 3 of my beautiful children? Lifeplex! Holy cow, this place is AWESOME! The 3 littlest of the Holstein's have gone for 3 days this week, and so far they have learned about healthy food choices, taken Karate lessons, ran track (they were very impressed with Tobey's running skills) and had swimming lessons! They also give them help with homework, and they even teach them manners! We have been blessed beyond words to have found a Christian run, and health conscious place to send the kids!

We also got amazing help from the schools, as far as bending over backwards to help us out with bus schedules changing...making sure the kids looked appropriate for the school day (Lena has been helping with mornings now) and offering any support we could need.

The Boys and Girls Club has also been an amazing place with helping us to get Edwin adjusted to schedule changes and of course being Olivia's and Ali's favorite hang out after school....and handling the homework for 2 exhausted parents.

I can not thank our village enough for all they are doing for our kids. Years ago, when Ed and I were closed off I could not imagine having this many people helping us to raise our brood. And now I can't imagine how we could ever have done this without support. The other day I went to Jefferson, and the social worker wanted to be sure that she hadn't offended me (Emily forgot her coat, and it was getting colder that day...she let her borrow one) I looked at her and told her I was thankful that she loved my child enough to do could someone loving my kid offend me?

Ed and I don't have Grandparent's coming over to visit the grand kids or ever even babysit for that matter. They have their own lives, and that's fine. But what we have is the most amazing friends, teachers, caregivers and Church that have given us more advice, support and most importantly loved our family. And so if I was doing that thankful Facebook thing, it would go something like this.....

Day 1- I am thankful to my God and our Church for everything that I have...everything
Day 2- My Husband
Day 3- 7 of the most amazing people I have ever known
Day 4- Our jobs, things can be tough without them
Day 5- Our Village
Day 6- Our home
Day 7- Our Pets
Day 8- Autism...I know it sounds nuts, but I am. Except for the meltdowns...I am NOT thankful for those.
Day 9- Our medical team for the kids...yes it is a team now. Everyone from Pediatricians (3 of them) , therapists (5 of them), Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Cardiologist (he could be nicer...anyway), CVS pharmacy (Hi Tabatha!) the nurses at our Pediatricians and the office staff who has been amazing!
Day 10- I really should have split up days 9 and 10, that is a ton of people! So, let's say Holiday's for day 10! I love me some holidays!

Long blog today...whew!

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