Monday, January 25, 2010

Life is what happens while you are planning for it....

This weekend was crazy as usual, they always are. And then on Monday, Ed goes to work, 5 kids off to school and I am left with an entire house to clean and 2 toddlers.

We had a good weekend, but didn't get much done as we would like as usual. I sometimes think it is an impossible job. We had Tobey Jude's birthday party but due to autism you can't just have a normal party. He woke up to help his Dad assemble his present, no point to wrapping it, he won't open it. We then just played with him and watched him jump up and down in pure happiness. After dinner we had a cake that Eddie decorated with a car on a hill going down the road. Tobey managed to put macaroni in it. Very gross, but he ate it!

We made it to church this weekend, had a great time as usual. I LOVE our Church, it just gets us. It to me is the only place I feel no judgment, just love and joy. Everyone needs that in their life, I am blessed to have found it.

On Saturday we did our taxes, of course Tobey had a breakdown so it took twice as long as it should have. On the bright side we are getting twice as much back. So nice!

I am currently working on planning a Superbowl party for the kids and Eddie, found a great website called Kaboose and had great games for the kids, cupcakes and crafts, so I think the 7th will be a fun day. I am really trying to make everything this year to be a real experience for the kids, we have wasted enough tome planning for tomorrow, today is what matters. Not that I have stopped dreaming or anything, just time to enjoy the day.

Lena is excelling in her new grade, so proud of her, I don't feel like I give her enough credit sometimes, she is turning into an amazing compassionate young lady.

Alison is doing so well also, she is having a blast in choir, glad to see that she inherited that from me.

Edwin is adjusting to medication and having a rough time with it, he is such a good boy and full of love, just has a battle in his mind that he has to fight!

Olivia who is 7, wow! She is working so hard at school and wants to skip a grade like her sister, why not? She can do it, her brain is amazing!

Emily is Emily, cute, sweet, loving and way too smart! She can trick me already!

Melody is wonderful and funny and weird. That is all I need to say about her. The girl is just odd, I am her mother I am allowed to say it.

This is starting to sound like one of those Christmas letter, where people only tell you the great parts of their lives. They don't tell you that the car broke down, they got a speeding ticket, or they are thinking about disowning their families that seems to be left out.

I don't know if anybody besides my husband will read this blog about a boring housewife and her family, I think if I had my way I would like to have like this open format for all mom's to talk and support each other. Where it's ok to say " You would not believe the diaper change I did today" or " I am devastated beyond words that a Dr said my child has Autism and I feel like I am dying inside.". That is my hope for this blog, but right now I am off to watch the Smurfs and seize the day!


  1. THe cake, I must say, was amazing...and so is my family. Not bragging, just stating fact

  2. I'm glad that you are writing this blog. It's good to see what other "real" families do. :) If I ever make it back there we absolutly have to get our clans together. It would be very interesting.

  3. I really enjoyed it too. It was encouraging to hear about another family.

  4. Melissa, I really loved hearing your thoughts. I especially appreciated your honesty as you expressed your innermost feelings of Edwin's and Toby's Autism literally brought me to tears. Keep up the journal, as I will be anxious to click on and read!! :0)

  5. Thank you verybody for your comments this is really kind of fun! And Yes April I would love to get together when you are up this way!
