Friday, January 22, 2010

Am I doing this write?

Well, I am going to give this a try......

I am a mom of 7 awesome kids, wife to an awesome husband and fan of Tinkerbell. I also happen to be the mother to 2 sons who happen to have autism, which is what I am usually defined by. "Oh I feel so bad for her, they have 2 sons with autism". It is not easy, no one said that motherhood is. But we are really just a typical family o.k. typical LARGE family that has disabilities to deal with.

I always see people on Facebook (which I am on way too much) saying what they accomplish that day. It's funny because it seems like their busiest day that would be slow for me.... This is what I have done as of 1:00 today....

  • Got 5 kids up and dressed for school
  • Wrote 2 notes to teachers
  • 3 loads in the dishwasher
  • made 7 beds
  • vacuumed
  • 6 loads of laundry
  • Fed kids
  • programmed a talking machine
  • played Zombies with Emily and Melody
  • Called 2 doctors, 1 therapist, 1 pharmacy, 1 teacher and Dad
  • Ignored calls from Family Video (we lost a Phineas and Ferb DVD) need to call them and fess up
  • Caught Tobey as he propelled himself off the couch
  • Argued with a soon to be teenager about how to talk to a parent
  • burned chicken nuggets, had to make more

Now granted I have been up since 5:30 because I had to go to Wal-Mart, only to forget diapers, I will never learn to keep a list!

Well, this is kinda fun but I seem to have this like Doogie Howser music in my head(he is kinda hot!) And Tobey is trying to jump off the banister now sooooo later!


  1. Yet, you didn't make your husband dinner...hhhmmm...

  2. Sam just told me about your blog today and I am LOVING reading it!!! One thing I want to know though....what is up with you thinking the gay guys are hot (Adam Lambert, Doogie Howser....) you are a HOOT! I'm so glad I know you. :)
