Friday, August 24, 2012

Is it fall yet?

Well, here it is, the beginning of school.   And I have yet to update all of you!  So here goes!

I spent the summer as a counselor at a day camp for at risk kids on the South Side of South Bend.   It was called RECESS, and it's aim was to fill the gap and prevent the summer slide.   Now anyone who knows me knows that this was WAY out of my comfort zone.  

But, it was amazing.   I became close with some other counselors (that's you, Asparagus) and I developed a close relationship with some really cool kids.   I know I will miss them!   So, I was glad to hear that my church, Living Stones, was starting an after school program for these kids.   This summer changed me and my life for the better.

I also started physical therapy for my back!   I haven't felt this great in years!  

Now, for the family.

We added a few new members.   We got a bunny, Easter, and also a dog, Max.   But none has made a bigger impact on us than Shaggy, the worlds biggest van.   If it was any bigger, it would be a house!   I'm not kidding, people!

Lena is in high school now, and will be taking driver's ed next year!   Holy Crap!  When did that happen?   When did that little cone-headed baby become a real live person?!

Alison is in Junior High.   She is doing well so far and is really developing her comic strip nicely.

Edwin has had one hell of a summer!  (sorry about the cursing, but there is NO other word!)  The good news is, his heart is almost completely healed.   He is running around and doing exercise because he does NOT have Rheumatoid arthritis.   And, he is quite the celebrity every where we go.   I don't think a single person in Plymouth doesn't know his name!

Olivia is in fourth grade and a little bit nervous.   But she is starting to ask some pretty big question about life and God.   Pretty Awesome!

Tobey Jude.   Well, we love a Tobey and he is momma's love.   But, we are, as yet, STILL unable to find him any type of extra-curricular program.   It is very frustrating.   I think the most frustrating thing is seeing how not normal he is becoming.   And also, seeing how that is starting to affect his life.   I don't think he cares personally, but as a mother, I am not sure where to go sometimes.

Emily is a goofball.   I would like to start out an update on her where I didn't say this.   But the fact is, she gets goofier and goofier with every passing day.   I have a feeling I am raising another Gallagher.  

Melody is also starting to become a kid!  That little lady has really come out of her shell.   She is loving kindergarten and loves getting homework even more! still clinically insane.  I love the big guy, but sometimes I wonder if he is firing on all cylinders sometimes.  

The kids are only in five different schools this year.   And all but 2 get the bus.  Also, three of them have MAC books to replace their standard text books!  

The Boys and Girls club gave the kids an amazing summer this year.   They were able to go bowling, fishing, knitting, play baseball, soccer, volleyball, and just have a great time.   Thank you Andrea and Bill!

Well, that's all.   I am sure the kids are getting into something!  

Talk at you later!

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