Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Miss Emily's Birthday and tons of other updates!

So Miss Emily is going to turn on 7 on Friday! I am in shock that this precious girl is going to be 7. I have said time and time again how I am not really sure how we were so blessed to get a kid like her. Her brain is amazing, like she is super, SUPER smart! Her personality is incredible and can be as goofy as they come, yet caring and an insane sense of humor. Her favorite thing to do at night is to lay on the love seat and watch Golden Girls with me and shake her head at the dumb things that Rose says. She has an incredible love for Jesus and her faith is strong. She has NEVER complained about missing things because of her brothers and doesn't bat an eye about having to help out bringing Tobey Jude to the table for dinner...even though that is her big brother. She loves to cook, and is fantastic at making deviled eggs and cookies. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside....which means she is stunning.

<--Emily at her Spring Concert

Quick story on the heart of Emily... We got some glass glasses (bad idea for our house) and Tobey Jude sneeked a few upstairs during Edwin's meltdown we were dealing with. Tobey threw them at the wall and proceeded to run through the glass. Emily immediately reacted with no thought of her self and ran through glass to pull him out. She brought him downstairs and told me that he was hurt. I then saw her feet and she was cut too. I placed them both on the couch and Emily looked at me and said "Take care of him first Mom." What kid does that? What kid puts her big brother first? She amazes me in so many ways.

<--Emily at the bowling alley

Tonight we are having her little birthday party. I wanted to do it Friday but we have appointments (of course) and she has the fun fair at her school. We are going to try and just take the three youngest girls because Tobey and Edwin last year was a problem!

<--Emily at her happiest...IT'S A MAJOR AWARD!

Lena has been good, she is very excited about going to camp in June. She has worked super hard at school this year and the break will be awesome for her. She even managed to maintain an a for the entire year in Chinese...which is amazing!

Alison got on honor roll....which if you don't think that miracles happen now, then you don't know Alison and school work. I was in shock! We have also started doing a new vitamin therapy for her and it has done wonders for her.

Edwin, well that kid is becoming like a real boy. Like pranking his sisters by putting earthworms in the tub and he also will tell us the school bus is here to get him, sending us into a rushed panic and the bus hasn't even come. I am not sure if I put this on here yet, but the boy is off of penicillin shots every 3 weeks and now takes a pill twice a day. They were able to take him off because his heart shows no sign of damage from Rheumatic Heart disease now.

Tobey Jude, well this boy has said three sentences "Is it raining?", "Tobey a fart", and "Go to sleep now Bob!". How cool is that? I love hearing that little voice! I have a feeling that I will be hearing it tell the eye Dr "No" today also :).

Emily, well she is 7....you got that.

Melody is ready for school to be over, she still doesn't understand why preschool was 3 days a week and Menominee is 5. We have also found out that if she has a spring program and has a band aid on her that she will not bother performing. Weirdo!

Now, I didn't forget about Olivia....but Eddie needs to get off the phone so he can put a picture on here. You may ask...why do I need a picture of Olivia on here? It's because for some unknown reason she decided to write all over her face at school. She is 10! The note that the teacher sent the nurse said that Olivia needed to see her for "obvious reasons" and the nurse made us call Eddie and I. It was hard not to laugh...what parent expects to get a call that their 10 year old (bears repeating) has marked her entire face. She also tried to tell us it was an accident. I will let you be the judge.....

So, Eddie and I were called into the principal's office (first time since we have been at Plymouth) she showed us the picture.

Here was my initial thoughts...

  • I would not want to meet this kid in a dark alley.
  • We are no longer going to keep our tattoo kit unlocked.
  • Why just one color? Can't we at least change it up?
  • At least she wasn't sniffing the markers....
  • She used washable marker, right?
  • It's not easy being green, but it easy becoming green.
  • Giving the kids holy water with their dinner may become routine.
  • I knew that she liked freckles, but the goatee threw me for a loop.
  • Where are your glasses?