Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It has to be said

     So, I know it has been FOREVER since I have blogged.   And I promise, I will start again!!!  However, something has touched my heart and I feel I need to say something.

So, today the Supreme Court of the U.S. is hearing arguments on the legality of gay marriage.   On the surface, this is a very conflicting issue for Christians.  The Bible states in several different places that God does not condone homosexuality, making it a sin.   Case closed.

Not so fast.  I have had several conversations with different people.   Their reactions vary, but the ones who are against gay marriage often state the above argument.
Homosexuality is Sin.  One person said that they had a gay friend, and that he felt bad for them because he knew they were going to hell because being gay is a sin.

But, here is the thing...I am not convinced that homosexuality is a sin, but let's put that aside.   Let's assume, for a moment, that it is.   And, because it is a sin, gay people are going to hell.   And so am I. 

No, I'm not gay.  But I AM a sinner.   I sinned probably a dozen times today alone.  I am certain I told someone a white lie.   I saw a man on TV with 3% body fat and liked what I saw.  Someone drove past me in a new Land rover, and I wanted it.

I lied, I lusted, and I coveted.   These three are mentioned explicitly in the ten commandments. 

That's not to mention all of the laws in Leviticus I have broken.   According to Leviticus 12, I didn't separate myself from family long enough after i gave birth!  I eat cheeseburgers and bacon.  And, I haven't sacrificed a single animal at all.  (mind you, the laws and customs outlined in Leviticus are not generally followed in Christian customs)

To sum...I am a SINNER!!!  One of the worst.   I sin so much, I've lost count!

But, here is the thing...God covers me with His blanket of Grace.   Because of Jesus, my sins are forgiven.  And, because of this, I will be in Heaven with my Saviour.

As will Christian gay and lesbian couples (yes, they exist!)  As a faith I think we concentrate on sin WAY too much.  Not my church so much, but as Christians go worldwide. 

And finally, this is a CIVIL rights issue, not a church one.  If you lived through the civil rights era, can honestly tell me we were a country of the people, by the people, and for the people back then?

Please, if you are a Christian, let me just say lay off the gay community.   They have enough on their plate dealing with non-christian Americans.  We have only two commandments...Love God, Love your Neighbor.

Matthew 22:37-40

New International Version (NIV)
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”