Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Lonely Island - We Like Sportz

He likes sports and he don't care who knows....

When I was a kid we had 1 TV, I knew that during football season it was just going to be impossible to watch anything else, so to occupy my time I would play on the railroad tracks or go and buy tootsie rolls from the only business in town. (I am from a very small town!) But, then football season would come to a close and me being someone who loves TV could finally watch those 4 precious channels. And then it happened. the worst thing that could happen to a girl that hates sports...Earl Mishler moved in!!!! (insert dreaded music here for the full effect.) Earl was a sports writer for the South Bend Tribune and one of my Dad's best friends. This man watched every sport known to man. So here I was finally getting cable and had only the pleasure of watching golf, softball, baseball, football, basketball, even bowling! I thought that I was going to lose my mind. I vowed then and there that I would not marry a man who watched sports!

When I met Eddie I asked him if he watched sports, his Dad didn't except the fake wrestling (I don't think that counts really). When he said "No, not really" I knew that this was the perfect man for me. But then came the Colts, I tried to accept them. I even got Edwin a little jersey and resorted to the fact that I lost him on Sunday and Monday night. I tried to see the positives, Eddie makes the best chili EVER and would make it on game day, the kids would watch with him and I would get a break. But then other things started sneaking in...we moved here and being so close to Notre Dame, you can't help but get caught up in the thrill of it. I noticed the kids wearing more and more Notre Dame stuff all the time. I even watched a few games myself. But now this has gone to an inexcusable (supposedly to check the scores for guys at work) and now baseball. I have lost again....a man in my life that loves sports!!!!! It's sad really, I tried to prevent it.

So, instead of fighting it...I am simply going to hook cable up in my room tomorrow and comfort my self with Golden Girls and watch Deadliest Catch really loudly to drown out the sobbing about who he has become...a guy who loves sports!

I will probably watch a game or 2 with him this fall, and get Emily and Melody those little cheer leading skirts because they are really cute, but that is about the extent of my involvement. I mean I love the guy, but I have my limits and it'd watching hockey!!!!

I hope that everyone has a blessed day and thank you so much for all the comments and Happy Anniversaries on our Facebook!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Wife's perspective on her Husband's perspective....

So, Eddie did a pretty good blog I have to admit. He did however forget to mention that I also like Cake Boss...he just doesn't even know me! Today is our anniversary and I am on the computer and Eddie is snoring in our romantic. I guess after so many years you kinda get to that point. Our family really gets bombarded with holiday stuff this time of year, so we just throw it all together on the 4th. We have our anniversary on the 29th, and then my birthday on the 3rd, Independence day, and then Melody on the 7th. I think we will have a cookout on the 4th and try to hit Silver Beach sometime over the weekend and find a fireworks display, pretty low key.

We are adjusting to Eddie's new shift. I went to sleep with Letterman rather then my husband, Tobey kept looking around for him, unfortunately he won't see him for long. Eddie works from 6:30 at night until7:15 the next morning, which doesn't leave much free time. I will however enjoy the what do you do?

We have decided to go hardcore on our budget, which I am excited about but also a little scared. We are not real good with theses things and we also enjoy going out to eat. After crunching the numbers we came to the realization that we should never eat fast food again, just getting way to expensive. We also seen that a newer vehicle will have to wait until after Disney, so it looks like we will just have to learn to enjoy each others company for an 18 hour trip. But, it will be worth it to take our very first family vacation! We are however going to get a TV for the Suburban, I am not going that frugal...

Well, that is all for today, there is just not much to report on....have a good one!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Husband's Perspective

Well, it has happened! The wife gave me permission to do a blog post. The only rule she gave fart jokes. That's too bad, really, because I know a LOT of fart jokes. So, I started to think, what else can i do to make good use of cyberspace? Here, now, is a husband's perspective...
First and foremost, having seven kids is a blast! Especially when your kids are as weird as mine are. In fact, just today, Emily, my 4 year old, put on "the monkey" ( a tether we use for Tobey in crowded public places...without it, the little dude would just RUN!!!!) Her sister, Melody, comes running up to me yelling "HELP! SISSY! TOBEY!'
Immediately fearing the worst, I ran with Mel to the scene to discover that Tobey had tied the leash end of the monkey harness to a door, effectively tying her to the door. I have found through past experiences that it only causes headaches to wonder,"why?".
On top of these three, we also have a teenager, a preteen, an autistic 3rd grader, and a diva. All three present challenges all their own.
The teenager has decided that her mother and I are idiots who are trying to ruin her life. The preteen is possibly insane. The Autistic 3rd grader saw a boy at the park use his hand as an imaginary gun and now insists on shooting all of us...constantly. And the Diva is a true middle child trying to find her own little slice of attention.
Through all of this, we have Melissa and I. Now, I am the first to admit that we have a different relationship than most. First, the positives. Melissa is truly my best friend, and the first person I have no doubt what so ever that she loves me. She is a great mom and she also tolerates me (that alone proves she has the patience of a saint.) I love her more and more every day. However, nothing is perfect...
She is addicted to coke...coca cola that is. It is how she self-medicates. Also, chocolate. Now, the weird thing is, the higher grade chocolates( dove, Swiss, Belgian, Easter bunny) the less she likes it. She is a Hershey freak through and through. And, possibly the worst thing about her, she LOVES reality TV. Deadliest Catch, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol...She even will occasionally watch America's Got Talent. But, when you get a REAL reality show, like UFC or Star Wars, she turns her nose up! I mean, COME ON!!!
But, through it all, there is no one I would rather have a house fire, DCS, jail time, autism, poverty, or in-laws with than her. If I had to do it all over again, I would, but without the house fire, DCS, jail time, autism, or in-laws.
OK, maybe the jail time...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Not what we planned for....

At the age of 3 we noticed that Edwin was nothing like the girls, we would joke around that he is quiet because he can't get a word in edgewise because he has 2 older sisters. When he would take off, we would say that he is a boy looking for adventure. We were so in denial about Autism that when we took Alison for testing at Riley, I told them tell me anything but Autism....that one scared the heck out of me. I knew, in my heart that he had it, but it was just easier to explain things away. I remember going to the Dr. even with him and just saying that he was having a rough day. When he was finally diagnosed, it was a relief to not have to hide it anymore. We had an explanation why Olivia was surpassing him at every level.

We got pregnant with Tobey on purpose after losing a pregnancy at 5 months along. In my mind I hoped and prayed that I could give Eddie that "normal" son. You know the football player, A+ student, the all- American boy. My sister-in -law was pregnant with a boy at the same time...we both chose names that began with T's and talked about how they would grow up together. And then we had Tobey. Tobey was different from the beginning, very cranky, didn't sleep, just a hard little guy to take care of. I knew what this was leading up to and I knew that this time was worse. I remember going to therapy and saying I am not cool with this. I had this term "I am not bumper-sticker level with this yet."( By the way, I now have 3 bumper stickers concerning Autism.) Trying to come to terms with 2 sons with this thing was so hard to accept. It was really hard for me to see her son, not that I want anything bad for him, it is just hard to see what Tobey could be doing. I still cry every time I leave his house.

Last night Tobey said his first real sentence, I have waited 5 and a half years to hear this. He said " I like mashed potatoes." The crazy thing is he just said it and then walked out like nothing amazing happened. I am amazed at the things he can do despite what we were told he couldn't. I am honored even on the bad days that God thought I was up to this challenge, but just being honest... there are still times that I still feel sorry for myself even though I know that does no one any good.

I have told Eddie on several occasions about how I almost feel guilty about not being able to give him that "normal" son. And every time he tells me he doesn't care about that, he just loves his boys. Which I totally get, there is a lot to love and I don't even know what our lives would be like then. I do know that I wouldn't trade mine for anyone else's.

To see your child do things that are against the odds is one of the most amazing feelings in the world. It is like seeing your baby walk for the first time, but double it! Again I an honored to be raising these precious boys, but today they are having a good day so far...hahaha.

Well, I hope that you have a good one and weathered yet another storm. I am really getting sick of these by the way, I mean enough already. I used to think that they were romantic, now with it keeping 7 kids awake and in fear of losing electricity and cable (gasp!) they are just getting on my nerves.

I will try to have a more light hearted one tomorrow, these are getting a little heavy lately....sorry!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our Anniversary......

In less than a week Eddie and I will be celebrating 14 years of marriage. Some people didn't think that we would even make it 5, but we showed them....we are gluttons for punishment! Just kidding.

Eddie and I met on a blind date at Pretty Lake Church where we also were married less than a year later. I thought that he was shy....if you know Eddie he is about the farthest thing from that, come to find out he was just really nervous. Eddie and I came from homes that were a little different than your average American homes and I think that we were almost like 2 lost souls that immediately connected. I knew the day I met him that he was the one for me, he just got me. I think that everyone around us seen it too, we are just so much alike and share the same views on so much, except politics....on that subject I believe that he is a little off on.

Our wedding even though I have no regrets in marrying Eddie is honestly something that I would like to forget. We lost all the pictures from it in the fire and that doesn't even bother me. It seemed like our families simply wanted no happiness for us what so ever ( I later realized with the help of a therapists, they had no happiness). My Dad actually went to our Pastor (at the time) and had him call off the wedding, my grandmother wouldn't come to the wedding if it wasn't done by that in-laws brought alcohol and wore pajama pants to the reception which was held at a place that wouldn't allow alcohol. They nearly got kicked out! My Dad again interfering, walked me down the aisle saying "You know that you can still back out!". Add to the fact that my Mom couldn't be there , and the next best thing to a mom died 6 months before, it was just not the fun day that you see on TLC.

We have talked about renewing our vows down the road but to be honest I am not sure if I would want our families there, and that would probably cause problems. I do however fantasize about Tobey and Edwin walking me down the aisle and Emily and Melody in matching dresses throwing down the rose petals. Lena, Alison and Olivia being the most beautiful bridesmaids ever. Maybe some day.....

Amazingly, it has taken nearly our entire marriage to realize that it is our life and ours only. Before 2008 I would only do things if our parents approved and would cower back at their words of disapproval and anger. Now, I know that in my heart that Eddie and I know the best for our family, and a lot of things that we have been doing are right for us. I wish I could have figured that out back in 1996. I guess that it is never too late though.

I realized that even if you are not given the best of families at times, you can't change it. But I did realize that you can create your own family. I found my own "created" family 2 years ago this week when I walked into Living Stones. I used to think that there was something wrong with us, or that maybe we were just not worthy of happiness, or even love. For the first time I have people in my kids lives that love them unconditionally even though they are not any relation to them, and that is just huge. Isn't it amazing what love can do for a person? I don't know where our lives would be without that love.

I apologize if this was kind of a weird blog...every now and then I just feel the need to sit and type, sorry if I went all OPRAH on you. Have a good one! Live your best life!!!! (That was an OPRAH line, if you didn't get it!)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today I am totally taking advantage of having a large family and giving Olivia on up a chore list. We have to clean out the fridge, mop the kitchen and dining room, vacuum upstairs and down, dishes and about 6 loads of laundry. It is currently around 9:30 so I am being a nice Mom and letting the teenager sleep in before I work her to death as she would say. Our cat BUC decided to run up our fireplace and he is in need of a real bath....that will be fun!

I don't have a whole lot to report on so I guess that I will tell you about our cat BUC. His name is actually an acronym for Butt Ugly Cat, well now we say Beautifully Underestimated Cat. When we got him he was the ugliest cat that you have ever laid your eyes on. I am talking infected cysts all over his bald body, black teeth and extremely malnourished. My Grandmother Betty, who was not the nicest lady said that if we didn't take him she would give him rat poison. My husband who is not a fan of cats said I can have him if he got to name him, hence the BUC man was ours. My Dad paid for all of his vet bills, and we loved him like crazy and low and behold he became the best cat we have ever have. He has saved atleast one life and kept Edwin from going to the ER.

We had this neighbor named Jack who devoted his life to taking care of his mother, when she died it was not one of those peaceful deaths and this haunted Jack daily. Jack unbeknown to us had decided that he was going to kill himself by hanging himself in his garage. When he went out to his garage to hang himself BUC was there and wanting food ( Jack always gave him treats) so instead of going to the garage he got BUC a treat and instead sat on his porch and told BUC his troubles. This went on daily for almost a month. Me, not knowing the extent of the problem kept joking around with Jack saying that we needed to figure out joint custody, because I missed my cat. Well, Jack got over that hurdle and the last I heard he is doing great and now has a girlfriend even!

The other time that BUC was a hero was when Edwin being a 3 year old fell off the couch and BUC ran underneath him to take the brunt of the hit, so Edwin didn't hit a hardwood floor with his head. Poor BUC even came away injured.

BUC is getting up there in years and now instead of saving lives, he mainly just sits on our porch not allowing strangers to pet him and sleeps with the kids if they are sick. They call him Dr. BUC and he always seems to know before we do. He is currently sitting next to me, his orange fur covered in soot and helping me watch the kids. He deserves his retirement years, unfortunately my kids especially Tobey don't give him much peace.

Eddie had a double header last night and lost both games, I have honestly stopped keeping score. He said it was a moral victory, so I am assuming that they lost by quite a bit. He does enjoy it, so I guess it is not about the win.....but I keep hoping that maybe he will win just one game. A young wife from our Church introduced herself to me last night, she said that she has been wanting to talk to me since Ed and I told our story. She was a huge help last night with all the kids and Tobey didn't seem to scare her off. She offered to come and help out I am thinking about maybe having her babysit next month and then maybe doing like a weekly thing if she's up for it....we'll see. I told her that I would friend her on Facebook, and come to find out that I was already her friend. It's all about numbers, baby! Speaking of facebook, my husband who teases me incessantly about the Golden Girl's became friends with Betty White ( I am still waiting) for a guy that can't stand the show, that is odd behavior! I am just saying....I think he is in the closet about it.

Well, it is time to wake the beast, I mean uhmmmm Lena. Have a great one!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Weekend....

It started out as a good weekend with good intentions and quickly turned bad. The plan were that we would head out to Culver and have a picnic with my Dad and his girlfriend Dee (a little weird to say girlfriend when they are both around 60...anyway) and then we would take the kids swimming at Culver Beach which is free after 7pm. As soon as we pulled up to Dad's I heard thunder and didn't think much of it. Dad said he heard that their was a storm a' comin (I quote) but that we had time for a picnic. We had some rain and ate under a "shelter" area and quickly noticed that things were getting really bad. I told the kids no swimming and they actually asked why!! I said we will go across the road and get ice cream, as soon as we pulled up the power went out, no ice cream. The kids are now feeling like it is the end of the world and complaining so much that I was at my end! Can I control the weather? NO! We left Eby's with no ice cream and headed down an alley noticing that the wind was really bad and then about 30 seconds before we were under a tree it fell right in front of us. At this point I just wanted to go home and see if my house was ok, we thought that we could make it back. Mother Nature had other ideas... Now Eby's is about 10 minutes from my Dad's so my plan was to hang there and settle the kids down. The 10 minute ride turned into 30 and we had to stop twice and go around trees, over trees and over a wire, which we couldn't even see until we were past it. After finally getting to Dad's who has no electricity and a house full of antiques (scary combo) we listened to the radio and heard South Bend was getting hit. To me this brought back so many bad memories of the fire and not knowing if our home was ok, I just kinda shut down.

When we got the all-clear that South Bend was ok to drive in we headed home, not really knowing what to expect. We finally made it and the first thing we see is our neighbors home was hit by a huge tree, Leeper park was a mess and we couldn't even get down our road because of even more trees! We brought everyone in and realized that we had no electricity and trying to figure out how we are supposed to take care of 7 kids with no electricity.

Saturday--- I am totally expecting to wake up to the air conditioner humming and Phineus and Ferb being blasted out of the kids rooms, instead all I hear is my cat's meowing because I forgot to feed them and Tobey snoring. We had to give all 7 baths in not very warm water and realized that we should probably feed them, can't make pancakes, the milk was questionable already and decided that doughnuts were in order. Guess what? Nobody else has power including Martin's and Krogers. So after that we came to the conclusion that with no electricity and we can't open windows because of Tobey, that we needed to head out of town. So off we went to Lake Michigan and the kids loved it. We managed to have a great time and we were in hopes that electricity may be on when we get home, no luck.

Now, stuff is getting serious...Tobey is overheated all the time and I can't control it and Edwin is simply going nuts on us. Everyone is fighting and all of our food is already going because the kids keep opening the fridge and freezer. We are getting low on money and stressed to the max. We decide that we can handle Church but we had to get up at 6:30 to give everyone freezing baths ( they actually thought this was fun!). We got to Church somewhat on time, and I think that I breathed for the first time in 2 days. After Church we dined on Speedway hot dogs and took the kids to the park. Now by this time I am running on empty and getting a little sick of parks and stuff! But it was Fathers Day, so we came home and played in the sprinkler and toasted the biggest marshmallows we have ever seen and ate a ton of chicken which mother nature thawed out for us.

Then it comes to me....the Autism card. Let me explain the Autism card...I don't use it that much but in extreme situations (which this was quickly becoming) I will, simply for sympathy sake tell people about the boys Autism. Example....sorry he said he was going to shoot you, he has no gun but he does have Autism....please don't press charges! So, in a last ditch effort we call Aep and tell them 2 sons with Autism, can't open windows, no alarms...we need help as soon as you can. I will be danged in 1 hour we had a guy out here. The liberal in me feels a little guilty but I am the hero of the neighborhood! And my boys are back in the coolness of air conditioning!

Now even as miserable as I was, here is some jewels of wisdom I learned from the storm of 2010!
  • I have an awesome husband who tried to keep my spirits up when I wasn't feeling the adventure of it all.
  • The neighbor who had a tree on his house is WAY to obsessed with his yard ( he was raking on Friday night with lightening all over) and the tree coming off a roof is great entertainment.
  • A guy who lives just 2 houses down is an amazing singer and guitar player who entertained us with his gift nightly.
  • I have some really cool neighbors and I am blessed to know them and I should make an effort to get to know them better.
  • Even with all the complaining, (and there was a lot) my kids are amazing and it made us an even closer family. I think that we are going to start a once a week TV and computer shut down. As long as my Farmville doesn't need harvested...haha.
  • And last but not least I am thankful that God brought us through that storm because that was one scary ride home!

So, sorry it was so long but not near as long as last weekend I can tell you....and I hope that you made it through the storm ok, the sun is shining.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Yesterday part 2.....

When I left you yesterday things were relaxed as we were waiting to go to Edwin's appointment. And then he started screaming his head off!!! He started slamming his head into the table and yelling that his head hurt and then started throwing up so badly that he couldn't keep water down. Thank God, Terri who is like a little sister to me came over to help with taking the kids to the Dr. after seeing my Facebook post. After cleaning everyone up and giving Edwin a plastic bag in case he threw up on the way, we headed to Dr. Luzzi's. It was weird he would be calm one minute and just crazed the next. Now, the other kids which were perfect earlier in the day, decided to let all Hell break loose. I have never seen them act this way in public and I was so embarrassed. Lena decided not to help at all and read a magazine, Alison tried to play in a toy meant for a 2 year old, Edwin? Well that dude was just sick. Olivia hit Emily in the face with a ball, Tobey....Well if you know Tobey, he was everywhere! Emily like went bi-polar...laughing like a lunatic one minute and crying the next. And Melody, only wanted to play with the toy that Alison wouldn't leave alone....I have never seen all7 go postal like that! That was nuts....I am not sure if Terri wants to ever help again.

So, seeing that this was too much for just one adult to handle, I simply called Eddie and told him that he had to come home. I know my limits and I was at mine. Not only were they acting really bad, but if Edwin threw up water anymore or could not keep meds down or possible reactions to meds than he would have to go the ER. So, my dear husband came home, had to go to 2 different pharmacies, got lunch meat for dinner,,,I will be danged if I was going to cook! And headed home. We explained to the kids that after they eat to just go to their rooms early and we love them but leave us alone so we could take care of Edwin. That didn't work....At 9 pm we happily medicated the boys and settled down to finally relax only to realize that Tobey had no interest in sleeping even with all the meds that he is on to make him do so. I am writing this at 8:33 am and he has not fallen asleep yet!!! I am not sure whether to keep the little dude up until tonight or what.

Oh, I forgot to tell you what is wrong with Edwin...It is called Cat Scratch Disease, or Cat Scratch Fever. I like the fever one because it reminds me of the song. He got scratched on Monday night and was extremely ill by Tuesday afternoon. I had no idea that one scratch could do this, I am going to get him (the cat) declawed as soon as I can. Not fun.....

Well, that is all today to be honest I am simply exhausted, and I have tons to do... You know I was thinking they don't show this kind of stuff on Kate plus eight or 19 kids and counting.....Oh no, they show them going to amusement parks or everyone sitting down to dinner and happy. They need to show kids getting sick and teens acting up, it would be so much more know? Or maybe I am the only Mom in America who deals with this stuff....yeah that's it!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another one on Tobey Jude.....

Yes, I know that I am always talking about Tobey Jude, but I can't help it! He is an amazing little dude who is just such a blessing to me, I am honestly honored that he is my son. By the way this is how much I talk about Tobey, if you put Tobey Jude into Google, he is the top 9 spots. Yes, at the ripe age of 5 I have already exploited my son!

Going on.....Tobey's lead dropped to 20!!! He fell 4 points, which is awesome. To celebrate we ate food that he really shouldn't eat. Probably shouldn't have done that but he hasn't had fried chicken and fries for a little while. He has to have only baked things, and lots of dairy and organics, and low gluten. Doesn't leave a whole lot for the little dude to eat. He also weighs only 32 pounds and it is a little tough for him to gain weight on that healthy stuff.

I took all 7 to Wal-Mart by myself today. I am no saint, I honestly don't do that much...but they were absolutely great. The younger 6 were very pleased with each getting a $1 ball, and Lena was easily bribed with her own bottle of Dr. Pepper. I left Lena responsible for Melody and she pushed her around and I had Tobey and Melody in one of those carts which are to freaking hard to push. Alison had to hold Olivia's hand and Edwin held on to my cart. Now, I think that the people who seen this probably thought that I was mother of the year controlling this group. Little did they know that I was bribing them with things that they shouldn't have and I was a nervous wreck.

The kids are all camped in front of the TV watching really old cartoons. For some reason they find these awesome, I just find them a little creepy to be honest. Edwin is watching them in hopes to see some violence, I think that he is out of luck. If you don't believe me on the creepiness thing, rent Sesame Street Old School. There is even a disclaimer on it not to allow children to watch it. After watching them you will be amazed that you turned out "normal".

Edwin has a Dr. appointment today that I showed up for at the wrong time, a little frustrating I forgot that they changed the time. So, now I am in hopes that the kids will stay clean so I don't have to redress the crew before we go. I am also hoping that she can give me some advice on how to keep Edwin from trying to shoot me and how to control him when he is wanting to hit me, I am praying that she has an ideas that doesn't involve medication. It seems like that is becoming the stand by answer for everything.

Well, that is all for today...have a good one!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday, Monday....

Another weekend gone and here we are at the beginning of a new week. The weekend went really well, we got quite a bit accomplished and still managed some fun stuff. Friday eddie had to work overtime, which kinda messed up the weekend plans, but he's go to do it. Saturday after Eddie worked again, I had a ladies night out with my Dad's girfrind Dee, a dear friend Mary Esther, Joan, Bev and we took Lena. We had a nice dinner out and then went to see a lady from our Church perform at the Century Center with ther dance troupe, it was so good I am going to put Alison in it next year, maybe Olivia too. They perform only to christain music and there was no weird outfits or anything.

Yesterday we went to Church and the pastor's Dad gave the sermon and did a great job. Eddie and I always seem to get different things out of the sermon it seems. With the story being about David I came to the realization that we are not perfect and even though we mess up royally, we are not alone. I am thankful that I haven't messed up as much as David! I am not sure what Eddie got out of it, but he kept elbowing me to let me know that I need to pay particular attention to certain parts. He does this a lot, like when forgiveness is brought up. I am trying but it is hard sometimes to forgive people, especially if they are still doing those hurtful things. During one particular sermon that Sam did once, Eddie elbowed me so many times I thought that I would bruise. It was a sermon about how a wife needs to submit to her husband.....I will work on it, no promises!

We had a totally out of the blue dinner last night and ate healthy (until dessert), seeing that I knew Edwin wouldn't eat any of it I made his mac and cheese for him. Edwin came out to get his mac and cheese took a long look at dinner and said " Yeah, I will eat that."! Really? You could have knocked me over with a feather. Now granted he also ate the mac and cheese, but we made progress.

We started a new thing yesterday where the kids are signing chore contracts, they are really embracing this one. Eddie and I have to sign them too, which they get a kick out of. If we are still doing this next week and making some headway with them I will let you know.

So, that is all today, I have like 30 e-mails that I need to send out!!! Have a good one!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The kids...

Yesterday I caught Emily jumping off the couch, I moved her to find her only seconds later jumping off the coffee table. I sternly told her to not jump off the table and she started jumping off the chair. At this point I simply asked her why she insisted on jumping off of all the furniture and she simply replied that she was Alice looking for the white rabbit! I just love that girl!!!

Tobey spoke his first sentence, ok it may not technically be a sentence but in my mind it is. He comes up to you and tickles you and says "I tickle". It is so cute, he did it to a book saleslady the other day though. I am thrilled that he is making progress and just keep praying that it continues.

Melody has decided that she is a cat, it's a little weird I know but if we play along and call her a cat she puts up no arguments on things that she usually doesn't like. We are probably screwing her up and it will be another therapy bill down the road, but for the time being she is picking up her toys and taking her bath with no complaint!

Lena, the teenager is literally giving me grey hair and I am 33. The other day she had such an attitude that even her Dad got on her about it. And he is the more laid back of the 2 of us. We did start having set computer times and she is enjoying that because the little kids aren't allowed to bug her.

Edwin has decided that I am allowed to call him pumpkin, which he is not in to the nickname thing. He is also decided that he only wants to eat mac and cheese this week, I am going to try and get a burger down him tonight but no promises.

Alison is still missing her teacher like crazy. She gets so attached to people and it breaks my heart to have to keep explaining to her that we move on sometimes. She is writing her teacher a letter today so I am in hopes that will help.

Olivia, that kid threw a new one at me the other day. Now if you remember she is not one to really be in the big family thing, she prefers quiet things and loves attention. So at Wal-mart the other day while getting diapers out of the baby section, out of the blue she says " So when am I getting another little sister?" In shock I said "Olivia you don't seem to care for the ones that you have." I then explained that Mommy and Daddy are just to tired to think about that again, enjoy the ones you got. I will probably get her a new doll and pray that it ends there.

So that is all on the Holstein front, looks like rain and I promised Lena I would watch Twilight with her if she read the book, not really expecting her to actually read it....a promise is a promise! Have a good one.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back on....

Hello again, long time no see! I don't usually blog on the weekends and blogger was down for 2 days so here I am. I was kinda going through with drawl but with more time to devote to farm- ville my fields look great!

We had a great weekend which is a little weird to talk about on Wednesday, but that's life. First on Friday we went strawberry picking with my dear friend Lorinda and her 3 precious daughters, we had a great time even though I sat on a strawberry. Olivia left with them for a sleepover leaving us with only 6 kids, I know you are probably saying to yourself only 6? Anyway, with the weather being perfect, not real hot, great breeze and the sun shining....I casually said to Eddie this would be a great day to go to Indiana Beach. I didn't mean that we actually go, I really don't like spontaneous trips with a large family, they always end badly. Well, Eddie said no, we are going! So we ran home to pack and go to their website for the best deals. After 6 you get a reduced rate and this sounded perfect, the boys don't really care for the crowds so off we went. After a long car ride, that they all did great with. we arrived at the park. As we walked in they were playing happy trails, which is not a good sign at Indiana Beach. After talking to the nice lady at Pronto Dog we were informed that they are not open after 6 until after Father's Day. This info was NOT on the website. With 6 disappointed kids we asked them where they wanted to go and they said Joe's Crab Shack which is one of my favorite restaurants but it is in Merriville! Accepting that they night would be ruined if we didn't do something fun we headed there. We did have a great time at Joe's and the kids were happy. We put the kids in pajamas and headed home and got to South Bend at 12:30 am! I went right to bed and reluctantly set the alarm clock for 5:30 so I could get up to volunteer for Sunburst.

On Saturday morning (early morning) I headed down the road to help out with Sunburst. This is my second year that I got to help and I really look forward to it all year. My neighbor being the captain asked me to help, and trying to keep from getting kicked out of the area for our lack of yard work, agreed to do it. I never thought I would actually enjoy it. It is such a positive experience and even though I have no desire to run, let me repeat that...NO DESIRE! I really admire those that do and they are all so appreciative that you are there. This one guy kept yelling at me to just slash him, I kept yelling that I had Gatorade, finally getting tired of yelling it I doused him in Gatorade. At first he looked stunned and then yelled to me that he didn't want Gatorade on him. I tried to warn him, for all I knew he may have had a thing for Gatorade. After I got done with Sunburst I came home and took a nap. Eddie did enjoy pointing out to me and anyone who called that I was tired from helping out at the marathon even though I was not a runner....

On Sunday we had a great time at Church and we were both in Kids Kanyon! I just love all the kids in my class and a little heartbroken that some are "graduating" next month, so is life. We then got to go to a Graduation party for a great friend Andy and got to see some old friends from my Target days. I kinda miss working still but I don't miss the stress and not seeing the kids.

So that was the weekend and all this week I am meeting with organizations to get info for the support group, so that is all in our world! See you tomorrow!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blog envy...

Every now and then I kinda go through other people's blogs and see how creative and artsy they are and then I come back to mine and it seems so boring. So, I am going to see if my darling husband can make mine a little bit more blingy, I am going to go out on a limb and say that "blingy" is a word. I am so non- techy (again I say that is also a word) that honestly I didn't send off my first e-mail until last year. I am also so bad at typing that my typing teacher Mr. Perry in high school asked me not to tell any one that he taught me how to type. Ironically, I do enjoy doing a blog.

The remote was found!!!! But we all went through major with drawl. We are all obsessed with TV at this house, am I proud of it? No, but at least I can admit that I do have a problem.

Tobey is on a new drug and it is really a hoot to watch him. He keeps doing like this slow weird dancing and making odd noises. I know that this will probably make me sound like a bad parent but me and the 5 girls just sat on the couch and watched him dance, it was really entertaining....almost as good as TV. He has been more verbal today and not quite as manic, so that has been a blessing. Thank you drugs.

Lena, Alison and Olivia are cleaning their rooms for fear of being grounded and Edwin is taking a nap so it is kinda quiet around here for all of them being home, I like that.

Eddie called me today and told me that Rue Mclannahan died, I think that I spelled that wrong. I an so obsessed with that show it broke my heart a little. My favorite though, Betty White is still kicking. Isn't it weird how much it affects you when someone that you have never met, they don't even know that you exist, pass on. I remember when Michael Jackson died that one really got me.

In the spirit of Golden Girls here is a story....Next March we are going to Disney with Ed and Lorinda' s family. Me, liking to find the quirky stuff thought there just HAS to be a Golden Girl's museum. I mean iconic show, based in Florida, we are going to Florida this is a sign that I am to find this museum. So, I googled away and there it was, a newspaper article from the Miami paper that this museum had opened up a week earlier. I yelled to Eddie look what I found!!! Clicked on to the article nearly jumping out of my seat and low and behold it is a Golden Girl's porn museum!!!! I can't explain the disappointment. So when we go I will just have to explain to the kids that they all have to say that they are 18. Haha, that was a joke about going, just so we are clear! They are in talks of actually making a real one, they just need to be complete by March. Otherwise, Eddie will have to take pictures of Lorinda and I in long nightgowns and robes out on the "lanai".

Well, that is all today have a good one!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Rainy Ordinary Day.....

Today I woke up to the alarm clock and not Tobey Jude, not near as nice. Because of me trying to fit too much in a weeknight we ate dinner at 10pm, not my proudest moment. After settling the crew in at 10:30 Eddie and I stayed up to clean until midnight. I think that I will simply have to stop planning stuff on weeknights, and I missed Deadliest Catch (not a good thing).

Shelton Farms was fun though, Wal-Mart got cancelled. Not worth the battle! We did get all the meat that we stocked up on packed and dated only to realize that the kids unplugged our freezer ARGHHH!

Lorinda is taking Olivia out today, which Olivia really needs that. It is not easy for her to be stuck in between the boys, also her personality is that of an only child and it is hard being the middle kid for her. She relishes one on one time and crafts and gardening...somethings that I don't always have time for. So thank you Lorinda, I know that I will have a happier daughter tonight!

The kids lost the comcast remote and I am close to losing my mind! We are stuck on Cartoon Network!! The kids are happy though. All is well and good as long as I find it before the Bold and the Beautiful.

Well, that is all here today it is pretty boring which is GREAT. So, have a great day and don't get wet.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's just not talked about....

For a few days I have been wanting to write this post, I had to figure out a way so I get the message out without sounding pitiful or depressed...I hope that I can succeed.

When you have special needs children there is a sense of isolation, I am not sure if every special needs parent feels this...but I know that I do. First off if we are heading out somewhere as simple as Wal-Mart I need to watch the boys for the day to gauge their behavior. Making sure that Tobey seems stable enough to handle some stress and not have a meltdown or seizure. I need to make sure that Edwin is not going to threaten to arrest or blow anyone up. If you ever hear about me shopping by myself at 5 in the morning it is because they had a rough week and they can't handle the trip. I have tried to venture ahead with the plan of going to Wal-Mart when they are having bad days and 9 times out of 10 they are out of control and I am accused of being a bad parent, or needing to explain the boys medical history, or dealing with the girls because they don't understand why people are staring at our family. It is simply easier to just leave sometimes and call it a loss.

There are things that I know that we will never do that "normal" families take for granted. We will NEVER try the Blueberry Fest again or going to the circus is not in the future plans. Some real everyday things are an issue...Tobey hates Halloween, the masks really creep him out and he is so scared of them that he shakes. Edwin doesn't care for Target, the color red does not agree with him. Going anywhere with a crowd is not a fun event for them, and I realize that the other kids enjoy that stuff, so it is a hard line to walk(insert Johnny Cash music).

We really have a hard time with family events. We are the only ones in our family that have special needs kids and they just don't get it. We have actually been told to put Tobey in a dog shelter when we come to visit or we are the talk of the event. I don't mind being talked about how awesome my kids are or that Emily and Melody are dressed the same, but being referred as the poor parents who have to deal with Tobey and Edwin is a hard pill to swallow and hard on the other kids to listen to. I wish they could just love them and let them enjoy one of their few times out on the town.

I am making a goal this summer to find more friendly places for all the kids. One is Hannah and Friends, we have never been stared at their or made to feel that the boys are "less". I am also going to go to every event that I can that our Church has this summer. Again, that is a place where we are accepted for who we are. It is OK for Edwin to arrest half of the staff and for Tobey to spin everything he can find.

So, if you are reading this and don't have a child with special needs and you see a parent of a special needs child...just smile and say "Hi" and remember that they are tired, and stressed out and just are not in need of any judgement, they have a tough road ahead of them. So, now with that off of my is a kid update.

Woke up to the sound of a rooster crowing, a little odd because I live in downtown South Bend. It was Tobey Jude crowing. I have no idea where he got it from, but what a great way to wake up. He would crow and then laugh his head off...I just LOVE that little dude (couldn't tell could you)!!! We lost some language again with him, I guess that this is normal to regress but I don't really care for it.

Eddie after the cookout to all 7 kids on a walk to give me a break. Eddie being Eddie did not check the weather and the whole crew came home soaked and complaining that they were simply going to die. The oldest girls were the worst, Lena declared and I quote " You know Dad, people die like this", they were a block from the house! Emily and Melody had a good time with it though , and they all came home and gave me flowers that they had picked. Olivia kinda threw hers at me, she was very mad at her Dad for making her walk. I am starting to wonder if kids now days are becoming wusses!

Well, I hope that everyone had a safe holiday!!!! Enjoy your day, pray for us... we are going to attempt Wal-Mart today!